낭만 프로그래머
[MSSQL] DB 전체에 특정 문자열 찾기 본문
1. 프로시저 생성
CREATE PROCEDURE spSearchOnAlldb @phrase varchar(8000), @OutFullRecords bit=0 AS
declare @sql varchar(8000)
declare @tbl varchar(128)
declare @col varchar(128)
declare @id_present bit
declare @is_char_phrase bit
declare @min_len int
declare @loop_idx int
declare @loop_chr char(1)
set nocount on
if IsNull(@phrase,'')=''
raiserror('Phrase is absent',16,-1)
select @loop_idx=1, @is_char_phrase=0, @min_len=0
while @loop_idx<=LEN(@phrase)
set @loop_chr=SUBSTRING(@phrase,@loop_idx,1)
if @loop_chr not in ('%','_') set @min_len=@min_len+1
if @is_char_phrase=0 and @loop_chr not in ('%','_','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','.')
set @is_char_phrase=1
set @loop_idx=@loop_idx+1
create table #tbl_res
(TableName varchar(128) not NULL,
ColumnName varchar(128) not NULL,
Id int NULL,
ColumnValue varchar(7500) not NULL)
declare CRR cursor local fast_forward for
select t.name, c.name, 1
from sysobjects t, syscolumns c
where t.type='U'
and c.id=t.id
and c.status&0x80=0 -- Not IDENTITY
and exists (select * from syscolumns c2 where t.id=c2.id and c2.status&0x80=0x80 and c2.xtype in (48,52,56))
and ( (@is_char_phrase=1 and c.xtype in (175,239,99,231,35,167) and c.length>=@min_len) -- char only
or (@is_char_phrase=0 and c.xtype not in (34,165,173,189,61,58,36))) -- char and numeric
union select t.name, c.name, 0
from sysobjects t, syscolumns c
where t.type='U'
and c.id=t.id
and not exists (select * from syscolumns c2 where t.id=c2.id and c2.status&0x80=0x80 and c2.xtype in (48,52,56))
and ( (@is_char_phrase=1 and c.xtype in (175,239,99,231,35,167) and c.length>=@min_len) -- char only
or (@is_char_phrase=0 and c.xtype not in (34,165,173,189,61,58,36))) -- char and numeric
order by 1,2
open CRR
fetch CRR into @tbl, @col, @id_present
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0
if @OutFullRecords=0
set @sql='insert into #tbl_res (TableName,ColumnName,Id,ColumnValue) '
+'select '+char(39)+@tbl+char(39)+', '
+char(39)+@col+char(39)+', '
if @id_present=1 set @sql=@sql+'IDENTITYCOL, '
else set @sql=@sql+'NULL, '
set @sql=@sql+'convert(varchar(7500),'+@col+') '
+'from '+@tbl+' (nolock) '
+'where convert(varchar(8000),'+@col+') like '+char(39)+@phrase+char(39)
if @OutFullRecords=1
set @sql='if exists (select * from '+@tbl+' (nolock) '
+'where convert(varchar(8000),'+@col+') like '+char(39)+@phrase+char(39)+') '
+'select '+char(39)+@tbl+char(39)+' TableName, '+char(39)+@col+char(39)+' ColumnName, * '
+'from '+@tbl+' (nolock) where convert(varchar(8000),'+@col+') like '+char(39)+@phrase+char(39)
fetch CRR into @tbl, @col, @id_present
close CRR
deallocate CRR
if @OutFullRecords=0
-- For the clients supporting new types:
--exec('select * from #tbl_res order by 1,2,3')
-- For the clients who are not supporting new types:
exec('select TableName, ColumnName, Id, convert(varchar(255),ColumnValue) ColumnValue from #tbl_res order by 1,2,3')
drop table #tbl_res
2. 실행
exec spSearchOnAlldb 'Sugar%'
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